The herpes viruses are very important enveloped DNA viruses that cause disease in all vertebrate species and in some invertebrates such as oysters. Some of the human ones are herpes simplex (HSV) I and II, causing facial and genital lesions, and the varicella-zoster (VSV), causing chicken pox and shingles. Each of these three actively infect nervous tissue. Primary infections are fairly mild, but the virus is not then cleared from the host; rather, viral genomes are maintained in cells in a latent phase. The virus can then reactivate, replicate again, and be infectious to others.

The herpes viruses are very important enveloped DNA viruses that cause disease in all vertebrate species and in some invertebrates such as oysters. Some of the human ones are herpes simplex (HSV) I and II, causing facial and genital lesions, and the varicella-zoster (VSV), causing chicken pox and shingles. Each of these three actively infect nervous tissue. Primary infections are fairly mild, but the virus is not then cleared from the host; rather, viral genomes are maintained in cells in a latent phase. The virus can then reactivate, replicate again, and be infectious to others. 

If scientists are trying to use what they know about HSV to devise a means of protecting other people from being infected, which of the following would have the best chance of lowering the number of new cases of infection? 

A) vaccination of all persons with preexisting cases
B) interference with new viral replication in preexisting cases
C) treatment of the HSV lesions to shorten the breakout
D) medication that destroys surface HSV before it gets to neurons
E) education about avoiding sources of infection

Answer: B

In electron micrographs of HSV infection, it can be seen that the intact virus initially reacts with cell surface proteoglycans, then with specific receptors. This is later followed by viral capsids docking with nuclear pores. Afterward, the capsids go from being full to being "empty." Which of the following best fits these observations? 

A) Viral capsids are needed for the cell to become infected; only the capsids enter the nucleus.
B) The viral envelope is not required for infectivity, since the envelope does not enter the nucleus.
C) Only the genetic material of the virus is involved in the cell's infectivity, and is injected like the genome of a phage.
D) The viral envelope mediates entry into the cell, the capsid entry into the nuclear membrane, and the genome is all that enters the nucleus.
E) The viral capsid mediates entry into the cell, and only the genomic DNA enters the nucleus, where it may or may not replicate.

Answer: D

In order to be able to remain latent in an infected live cell, HSV must be able to shut down what process? 

A) DNA replication
B) transcription of viral genes
C) apoptosis of a virally infected cell
D) all immune responses
E) interaction with histones

Answer: C

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If you have Herpes in your whole body such as fever blisters, hsv, or roofing shingles you know what it is like to stay with the pain and discomfort that herpes delivers. I don't need to tell you how awesome it would be to find something that works so well that you no longer need to fear about stress or outbreak,Dr Itua herbal medicine cure my herpes in two weeks of taking genuine and natural herbal medicine it has no side effect, The reason I'm writing this is that I promised Dr Itua I will share his herbal work to the world to see Herpes is no more a big deal.also Dr Itua can as well cure the following diseases...HIV,Hsv 1/2,Hepatitis B,Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer,Leukuemia Cancer,Lung Cancer,Brain CANCER,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,Diabetes, Men/Woman Infertility, Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Facator V Leiden Mutation , Lottery Spell,Copd, Shingles,Fibroid, Fibromyalgia, Liver/Kidney Inflamotry, Epilepsy,Hpv,Weak Erection,Wart Remover,Cold Sore, Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
Dementia.Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic Asthma. Here His . Whatsapp Phone.+2348149277976. I paid for his herbal medicine and sent it to me through Courier Service which I pick it urgently and used. has successfully cured lots of people from HIV/AIDS,Herpes,Diabetes,Syphilies,gonorehea, Hepatitis, Infertility,(Male and female ),poison and cartridges removal, unfinished injuries etc.
My mouth can't explain enough what this great and powerful herbalist, Dr. Akpu power did to me.
My mum was so sick of Cancer which was my greatest worries as her condition was her she first tested positive to 'Cancer type iii' I thought she could be okay with all the medical prescription given to her by the medical practitioner, but, all efforts to help was getting weaker and she tested positive to 'Cancer type iv' which worsted the situation as she keeps vomiting poriously,can't take in any solid food or drugs any more.. my husband and I tried everything to help her till one day, he decided to go and check on the web page if there could be any possible remedy to to her health,then he found out how
Most people have testimonies about how there got their cure with the help of this great herbalist,
Dr. Akpu, the great herbalist who have successfully cured people across from HIV/AIDS,HERPES,CANCER,and much more of most dangerous and deathly sickness that had lasted more than my mum's illness. He called me and told me about that .we decided to give him a try cos we can't just let my mum go like that. Luckily for us, he replied us ASAP and we explained everything with all the medical reports given to us and how deeply it has affected her. He assured us she will be fine, we believe him and hope to see it work for my mum. We quickly other for the preparation and deliverance of the medicine and he did prepare it and sent to us through the DHL delivery service that same week with details on how to use and apply it for her till she get cured. Luckily for us, the medicine work as he said ,in less than 3 weeks my mum regained her health and she stop vomiting. Just as he said she went for the test and she was confirmed negative...
So happy for her and Dr. Akpu for curing my mum. God bless you for me I owned you allot Dr. Akpu for your efficiency,active and diligent in handling your patience and my mum most especially.
Do not doubt this is just my life and I wish you all understood it very clearly that Dr.Akpu Power can cure all kids of sickness any where you are.
Have a blissful day.
Contact him today and request for any complaints or solutions to your illness

I thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because lifebecame meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, thesymptoms became very severe and bold and made my familyrun from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gaveup everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because thedoctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs butthey never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me makingit worse. I was doing some research online someday when Icame across testimonies of some people of how DR Ebhotacured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thoughtit was a joke but later decided to contact him on the detailsprovided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent mehis herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after twoweeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptomsdisappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I wasNEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you DREbhota because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep ontelling the world about you. If you are going through samesituation worry no more and contact DR Ebhota viadrebhotasolution@gmail. com or WhatsApp him via +2348089535482.he also special on cureing 1. HIV/AIDS2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4.ALS 5. HEPATITIS B 6.DIABETES 7. HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS DISEASE(HPV)8. ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or LupusErythematosus 

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I am here to express my profound warm gratitude to the herbal medicine, which I got from Dr. Imoloa. I am now living a healthy life since the past 6 months. I am now a genital herpes virus free after the herbal medication I got from him. You can contact him for your medication Via his email- whatsapp +2347081986098/ website

I'm Celina Gomez from Canada, i have been cured from genital herpes with herbalist Sakura herbal Remedy.
i have been infected with genital herpes for 1 years now , i have done so many medical treatments from different hospitals still
not cured. On a very good day , I decided to do research on my computer on how to get rid of genital herpes,i found a post of Sarah Wilson on how she was  cured from herpes with herbalist Dr sakura  herbal remedy.
The Herbalist email/contact number  was there as well +2348160802189. I contacted him because of my illness .He needed few of my information which i did, and also sent me his medicine through FedEx courier service.
which i received  after 3 working  days of shipment,i drink the  herbal medicine the same way Herbalist Dr Sakura instructed me too.but now my genital herpes is gone totally without any side effect or harm, may God Almighty continuing to bless him abundantly .
you can contact him on mail/whats app +2348110114739 or follow him on Instagram @Herbalist_sakura .you can also mail me for more information

Am so happy to found Dr Okedi the best herbal doctor in Africa who help me cure my herpes virus, this is a great testimony in my life, you can also contact him from more information on WhatsApp/Call him : +2349059610361 or email him at:

I am really happy that i and my husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across the email of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out good, we are really happy that there is someone like this Dr Ogedegbe who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr Ogedegbe and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me. dr.ogedegbe6@gmail.or call him and also whats-app him on +2348109374702. thank you visit his youtube channel ....